LETI 2021 Workstreams
As well as celebrating the 1 year anniversary of the Climate Emergency Design Guide and Embodied Carbon Primer, and publishing our Hydrogen paper at the start of this year, we have continued to develop existing workstreams from 2020. In addition, we are looking to focus on new topics this year. To find out more about our LETI activities for 2021 and to understand more about what LETI do, please watch the recording of our latest webinar: LETI Workstreams Update 2021.
What does net zero retrofit look like and how far can we realistically go? What policy/financial incentives does that mean we might need?
Embodied Carbon
Refining targets and methods, creating an embodied zero carbon one pager, collating case studies and much more! See our Embodied Carbon page for more information.
Part L
We responded to the Future Buildings Standard in mid April. To find out more about our LETI response, please see our Part L page.
Client Guide
Creating a guide for developers on setting briefs for buildings that meet our climate targets. Update: now complete! Read the LETI Client Guide here.
LETI Pioneers
A group of like-minded professionals actively working towards shaping Net Zero Carbon on projects by implementing LETI’s Climate Emergency Design Advice. See here for more information.
Local Authorities
Creating specific guidance for Local Authorities on built environment policy to meet our climate change targets. Sign up if you are part of a local authority or if you are a consultant.
Publishing a guide on what design stage modelling needs to be undertaken so that buildings meet the LETI EUI targets in-use.
Operational Energy Case studies
Planning, analysis and production of the Operational Energy Case Studies.
Whole Life Carbon: Calculating Operational Carbon
How embodied and operational carbon should be brought together, with a focus on what carbon factors to use for operational energy etc. See here for more information
Sign up 2021 volunteering opportunities:
2021 Workstreams
→ Retrofit
→ Embodied Carbon
→ Client Guide
→ LETI Pioneers
→ Local Authorities
→ Modelling
→ Part L
→ Operational Energy Case Studies
→ WLC: Calculating Operational Carbon

LETI Workstreams Update 2021 Webinar
Chair & Introduction: Clara Bagenal George, Elementa
Retrofit: John Palmer, Passivhaus Trust
Embodied Carbon & Whole Life Carbon: Louisa Bowles, Hawkins\Brown
Embodied Carbon (Specification & Procurement): Duncan Cox, Thornton Tomasetti
Embodied Carbon (Circular Economy): Kat Scott, dRMM
LETI Pioneers: Karl Desai, UK GBC
Client Guide: James Woodall, Allies and Morrison
Modelling: Tom Gwilliam, Etude, Susie Diamond, Inkling LLP
Local Authorities: Thomas Lefevre, Etude​